Making hard cuts or completely new structures successful through good leadership methods.

Many changes work in an evolutionary or incremental way. Sometimes, however, a complete transformation, a new start, or the realignment of an entire organization or organizational unit is required. This often raises fundamental questions: What kind of leadership does the change require? What are roles, competencies, values? Who are the right people? We help you to answer these questions systematically.

  • Organizations in crisis, wanting to restructure completely and build efficiently
  • Organizational restructuring, where new strategies and alignments need to take effect quickly
  • Transformation of organizations into agile organizational forms and roles
  • Elimination of leadership levels or downsizing of leadership teams
  • Mergers and acquisitions or carve-outs of sub-units

Assessment and analysis of potential…?

During restructuring and realignment processes, clear answers to many questions must be found quickly. We help you to define the right leadership methods to support your change and to implement it consistently. This may involve defining the right competencies and requirements for your leaders of the future, as well as assessing and evaluating individual potential and competencies on this basis in individual assessments or analyses of potential.

When cooperating with Profil M, you benefit from our methodological competence and more than 20 years of experience in management diagnostics. In this way, we can professionally and systematically secure necessary personnel decisions and make a significant contribution to ensure that they are also accepted. We focus on your objectives, your competencies, your leadership model, your linguistic environment, and your industry. We know from customer feedback that we can deliver real added value in this way – both for decision-makers and participants.

If required, for example, we can design a customized process and tools with you and systematically organize and conduct several hundred assessments and analyses of potential in just a few weeks. Necessary decisions are thus objectified and implemented quickly, effectively, and professionally with the involvement of stakeholders (such as co-determination committees). In doing so, we will also gladly relieve the burden on your internal organization by using digital Profil M tools, such as our AC Suite or our automated booking tools, if required.

…or accelerated competence development?

If it has already been determined who will take on which role in the realignment and afterwards, we will be happy to support you in the sustainable, focused development of your leaders.

In restructuring and realignment processes, completely new requirements and challenges often arise overnight, and your leaders need to grow into them very quickly. To ensure that this succeeds, we provide support in the form of development programs, coaching, and training. We open up new perspectives and convey practical courses of action for overcoming current challenges.

Together with you, we define the right mix between face-to-face events and e-learning. We focus on the effectiveness and the efficiency of the programs. Through intensive learning journeys, we help your leaders to refocus their leadership behavior and quickly meet the new challenges. In this way, leaders who are “affected” by the realignment become competent change agents and role models for their teams.

Particularly in the case of significant changes in structures and entrepreneurial orientation, it is often worthwhile to look at the leadership culture as well. Many new structures and processes fail to be implemented, because outdated beliefs and hidden rules still retain their validity. Analyzing and developing the change readiness of your leaders can also help to manage and accelerate major restructuring efforts in a more systematic way.

In the new structures and team compositions, systematic team development measures often help to quickly regain the ability to work and win back trust.

Major changes also need strong internal forces and catalysts. Together with you, we help your internal change managers and agents to develop the necessary competencies and strength to meet this responsibility.

  • Training leaders to become change managers
  • Training change agents and internal change facilitators and trainers
  • Establishing speed coaching opportunities (confidential coaching sessions that employees can take advantage of, whose aggregated, anonymized topics are fed back to the Board)
  • Using a change navigator tool (vs. previous “phase view” of change)/defining change segments (such as diagnosis, impact, goals, planning, execution, “My change experience”) in co-creation with the customer and implementation
  • Regular change impulses (video, texts) for the extended management circle
Raumedic AG
Consulting and facilitation for a cross-company organizational development process incl. complementary leadership development measures
Herta GmbH
Supporting the management team in the strategic reorganization. Support of the change process for the further development of the leadership culture.
Drägerwerk AG
Consulting and facilitation of the development of management teams at all levels
REWE Systems
Within the agile restructuring of REWE Systems we carried out almost 200 remote assessments for senior product owners, product owners, principal engineers, head ofs and strategic project managers.
Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
Design and delivery of a qualification program for team leaders anddepartment managers
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
Leadership audits and support for the placement process as part of a large-scale restructuring with 500 participants at board-1, -2 and -3 levels
Krones AG
Development Center to support leaders in the production environment implementing the new corporate strategy