
Design and Delivery of Development-Assessments for production workers with leadership potential
ACREST Property Group GmbH
Conducting interview training for personnel selection
Agravis Raiffeisen AG
Design and delivery of management audits and individual assessments for executives
Allianz SE
Implementation of the assessment-based certification process for internal talent managers
Altana AG
Development and implementation of the ALTANA Management Challenge as a basis for development planning for high potentials for management level 1 as well as 2 and 3
Altana AG
Development of a tool for the automatic generation of interview guidelines along the ALTANA competence model
Altana AG
Management of the project for the worldwide introduction of an online assessment for external applicant selection
Continuous support and strategic consulting for the selection of executives as well as realization of individual assessments for all management levels nationally and internationally for over 10 years
AVM Computersysteme Vetriebs GmbH
Training of managers at various levels on conducting regular appraisal reviews and problem-related conversations with employees
AVM Computersysteme Vetriebs GmbH
Leadership seminars for employees with technical leadership responsibility
BASF Aktiengesellschaft
Introduction of orientation centres for future sales managers with particularly realistic depiction of central challenges in sales
Bayer AG
Design and delivery of international development centers for international top executives and for middle management
Bayer AG
Design of an international orientation center for future managers working internationally
BBT Gruppe – Barmherzige Brüder Trier e. V.
Provision of consultancy services concerning the further development ofthe competence model
BBT Gruppe – Barmherzige Brüder Trier e. V.
Design and delivery of leadership feedback from various perspectives and facilitation of feedback workshops involving different management levels
Beiersdorf AG
Development of a computer-based interview tool for personnel selection(international use)
Beiersdorf AG
Development of a guide for HR managers entitled “implementation of management by objectives through target-agreement” workshops
Beiersdorf AG
Development of behavior-specific competency descriptions based on the BDF Competency Model to be used in performance reviews at different hierarchical levels and in different business areas
Benteler AG
Design and delivery of leadership training based on the in-house competency model
Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH
Design and delivery of training for managers on the successful introduction of an employee appraisal and development toolkit.
Benteler Automobiltechnik GmbH
Design of a competency development manual to support managers in the competency-supported development of their employees. Creation of a German and an international, English-language version
Benteler Stahl/Rohr GmbH
Design and implementation of assessment centres for the selection of junior managers
Benteler Stahl/Rohr GmbH
Conducting training for managers, e.g. personnel selection, target agreement
Benteler Stahl/Rohr GmbH
Design and implementation of a multi-source feedback to evaluate the individual development of the participants at the end of the leadership development program.
Berlitz Deutschland GmbH
Design and implementation of sector-specific development centres to analyse potential and support placement decisions for management positions
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
Design of an internal potential analysis method
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
Design and implementation of individual assessments
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
Conducting area-specific interview trainings
Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG
Conducting cross-functional interview training
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
Conception and implementation of personnel development workshops for managers
BSH Hausgeräte GmbH
Conception and implementation of development centres for international top executives
cerascreen GmbH Ltd.
Design and delivery of different training courses on topics such as communication & presentation, stress management & resilience, creative techniques and time management for employees and managers with German and international participants. Conducted in presence and remote.
Design and implementation of an international High-Potential-Development-Program
Cosmos Lebensversicherung-AG
Conception and implementation of leadership trainings on the topic of employee motivation
CSL Behring GmbH
Design and delivery of Individual Assessment Centers as part of the selection of managers for various target positions
Cyberport AG
Implementation of Individual Assessment-Center and Individual Development-Center for Selection and Leadership Development
Cyberport GmbH
Preparation and delivery of Individual Assessment Centers for the selection and development of managers at Cyberport GmbH
Danone GmbH
Recruiting Excellence – Trainings for the target group of German and international managers to further professionalise personnel selection
DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale
Preparation and implementation of development audits
DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale
Conception and implementation of individual assessment center for applicants for a sales position
DekaBank Deutsche Girozentrale
Conception and implementation of orientation centers
DEKRA Automobil GmbH
Conducting leadership training on the topic of “Leading without a supervisor”.
Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Practical guidance and support in optimizing the recruitment process, including training for managers
Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Implementation of Leadership Dialogues within the context of the nomination process for new partners
Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Delivery of management staff training on the basis of the Deloitte & Touche Competency Model
Deloitte GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Design and conduction of a workshop „Dealing with difficult situations” for all members of the recruiting center
Deutsche Ärzte Finanz AG
Conducting interview trainings and creating an associated interview guide for the selection of sales employees
Dortmunder Energie- und Wasserversorgung GmbH
Design and delivery of potential assessment centers for high-potential staff within the framework of the company’s personnel development program
Dortmunder Energie- und Wasserversorgung GmbH
Design and delivery of potential assessment centers for high-potential staff within the framework of the company’s personnel development program
Drägerwerk AG
Design and implementation of individual assessments for the selection and development of leaders at all levels
Drägerwerk AG
Consulting and facilitation of the development of management teams at all levels
Drees & Sommer
Design and implementation of learning journeys for leaders at different management levels.
Drees & Sommer
Support for the implementation of a new leadership model, including workshops and training sessions for managers at all levels (national and international)
Drees & Sommer
Conception and realization of workshops for the development of high performance management teams
Drees & Sommer
Practical guidance and support in the design and implementation of a new process to select personnel
Drees & Sommer
Design and delivery of assessment centers for the selection of trainees
DSD – Duales System Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Design and delivery of Individual Assessment Centers for filling leadership positions in sales
DSW21 – Dortmunder Stadtwerke AG
Preparation and delivery of 360° feedback processes
E.ON Inhouse Consulting GmbH
Design and delivery of Assessment Centers as part of the development of consultants at E.ON Inhouse Consulting
E.ON Inhouse Consulting GmbH
Support in the design of a new internal evaluation and feedback system
Use of the LeadIM as part of management audits on executive level
Implementation of LeadIM coaching sessions to as a support for reflection and development for talents and managers
Conceptual design and Implementation of the “Board meets Talents-Workshop”, a Development-Center for Top-Executives with involvement of Board Members
Conduction of individual Global Assessment-Centers for international topexecutives as well as local implementation in the mother tongue of participants
Eckart GmbH
Conception and implementation of personnel development workshops for all managers in production at the levels of shift foreman, group leader and department head.
EDEKA Handelsgesellschaft Minden-Hannover mbH
Implementation of trainings for assessing potential and competence as part of a leadership development program
EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG
Conception and implementation of development centres and trainings
Eppendorf AG
Design and delivery of trainings for leaders in Europe, USA and Asia based on a new competency model
Ernst Dello GmbH & Co.KG
Conducting individual assessment centers to fill management positions and individual development centers as part of the development planning for young potentials
F24 AG
International leadership training with focus on special challenges in employee appraisals
Faurecia Autositze GmbH
Design and delivery of assessment centers for the selection of trainees as well as design of tools for pre-selection of applicants
Fraport AG
Design and implementation of a 360° feedback for approx. 330 managers
Fresenius AG
Design and delivery of individual assessment centers for the selection of managerial staff
Fresenius Kabi AG
Conception and implementation of 360° feedbacks with an international group of participants
Fresenius Kabi AG
Design and delivery of a survey to evaluate management audits
Fresenius Kabi AG
Design and implementation of the “leadership workshop” as a feedback and development tool for managers
Fresenius Kabi AG
Conducting bottom-up feedback for the board during the international top management conference
Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA
Collaborative development and design of a program for new managers and a program for experienced managers consisting of several modules with asynchronous preparation and transfer phases.
Gasunie Deutschland Transport Service GmbH
Preparation and delivery of Individual Development Centers to develop high-potential employees
Geberit SE
Delivery of assessment centers for selection for a graduate program supported by the LeadIM
Gebrüder Jaeger GmbH
Individual coaching of managerial staff
Gebrüder Jaeger GmbH
Development of a Gebrüder Jaeger specific competence model
Gebrüder Jaeger GmbH
Development of a personnel development concept
GEPA mbH – The Fair Trade Company
Conception and implementation of individual potential analyses
GEPA mbH – The Fair Trade Company
Design and implementation of a training programme for managers
GEPA mbH – The Fair Trade Company
Conception and implementation of a management conference
Design and implementation of level-specific development centers with high potentials as part of the GETRAG Talent Management process
Implementation of individual development centers to derive targeted development measures (incl. feedback, report and LeadIM)
Hannover Rück SE
Conception and implementation of competence-based development formats for the international management level using the LeadIM personality and leadership inventory
Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
Conception and implementation of individual assessment centres in the selection of executives
Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
Design and delivery of a qualification program for team leaders anddepartment managers
Herta GmbH
Supporting the management team in the strategic reorganization. Support of the change process for the further development of the leadership culture.
Support in the development process of the new HIMA competence model
Design and implementation of individual assessments (face-to-face and remote) for national and international management positions
Home Shopping Europe GmbH
Preparation and delivery of Individual Assessment Centers in the selection of managers
INTERROLL Trommelmotoren GmbH
Design and delivery of Assessment and Development Centers fordifferent management levels (team leaders, group leaders, productionshift leaders, and managers in indirect areas). Coaching of (junior)managers
itelligence AG
Conception and implementation of modular leadership trainings as well as trainings on conflict management and interview techniques
Jost World GmbH
Design and delivery of management trainings on the topics of interview techniques, conflict management, how to chair and facilitate effectivemeetings and employee leadership
Kasseler Sparkasse
Design and implementation of individual assessment centres for the selection of senior executives
Kiekert AG
Preparation and delivery of Individual Assessment Centers in the selection of managers
Leadership-Training for internal Talents
Supporting the design and delivery of a manager feedback concept and a follow-up process consisting of coachings and team workshops
KNIPEX-Werk C. Gustav Putsch KG
Conception and implementation of individual assessment centres for filling demanding management positions
KNIPEX-Werk C. Gustav Putsch KG
Development and delivery of training programs and video nuggets for allmanagers in line with the Knipex competence model
KNIPEX-Werk C. Gustav Putsch KG
Design of a competency model
Krones AG
Development of a level- and career-specific competence model
Krones AG
Development Center to support leaders in the production environment implementing the new corporate strategy
Krones AG
Development and implementation of individual assessments for the appointment of project managers of different levels and areas in accordance with the Krones project career path
Krones AG
Design and strategic updates of the assessment landscape for leadership positions as well as realization of individual assessments for filling all national and selected international management positions at 4 management levels for over 15 years
Krones AG
Introduction of individual development centers for high-potential female employees at several management levels as part of Krones’ talent management strategy
LANXESS Deutschland GmbH
12-month learning journey for corporate talents that uses a DC, self-directed blended learning elements and digital tools such as AC-Suite and Profil M Academy to support participants’ self-reflection, international networking and career orientation, as well as providing guidance on strengths and areas for development.
Lekkerland AG & Co. KG
Design of assessment centre exercises for the international selection of trainees
Loh Services GmbH & Co. KG
Preparation and delivery of Development Centers to develop managers and high-potential employees
MAN Diesel & Turbo SE
Conception and implementation of audits with project managers
Materna Information & Communications SE
Design and implementation of a state-of-the-art Development Center, with elements such as a high degree of individuality and self-responsibility, making it a “development journey”
Mäurer & Wirtz
Design and implementation of development centers for the nomination of senior experts as well as for the selection for management positions on different levels
Mercedes Benz AG
Design and implementation of a global Potential AC process (PV44) with digital support (booking process and event administration as a digital end-to-end solution via Profil M – own solutions). Each year, more than 1000 participants go through the process in the events moderated by Profil M.
METRO Cash & Carry Deutschland GmbH
Support of two change processes in the form of analyses of the “unwritten rules” guiding action in the company
MTU Aero Engines AG – München
Design, implementation and execution of development center for expertsand managers on three different hierarchical levels, both nationally and internationally
MÜNCHENER VEREIN Versicherungsgruppe
Long-term support for management development in sales through training measures
MÜNCHENER VEREIN Versicherungsgruppe
Development of an instrument for the certification of broker advisors
MÜNCHENER VEREIN Versicherungsgruppe
Conception and implementation of an executive academy for the consistent further development of sales executives
MÜNCHENER VEREIN Versicherungsgruppe
Design and implementation of 360° feedback for sales managers
Nestlé Deutschland AG
Conception, preparation and implementation of workshops for the management team
Neuapostolische Kirche NRW
Conception and implementation of leadership workshops for the successful introduction of a staff appraisal and development toolkit
Nordex SE
Design and facilitation of an international High-Potential-Development program
Nordzucker AG
Conducting development workshops
Nordzucker AG
Implementation of the “Sugar Talent Programme” development program
OBI Group Holding
Design and implementation of trainings for leaders and employees on a wide range of social competencies
Öffentliche Versicherung Braunschweig
Practicioner training for LeadIM (“Certified Expert Training”) and subsequent independent implementation of LeadIM360 coachings by HR staff for talents
Primondo Management Service GmbH
Development and implementation of a qualification concept for the further development of the HR team
Raumedic AG
Consulting and facilitation for a cross-company organizational development process incl. complementary leadership development measures
REWE Group
Conception and implementation of (remote and face-to-face) assessment, development and reflection centers for different management levels of REWE Group
REWE Group
Conducting trainings on interviewing and diagnostics for managers and HR professionals
REWE Systems
Within the agile restructuring of REWE Systems we carried out almost 200 remote assessments for senior product owners, product owners, principal engineers, head ofs and strategic project managers.
Robert Bosch GmbH
Support in the development of second-level managers in Germany and internationally
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Development and implementation of Potential Development Centers for managers at various levels.
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Design and delivery of leadership trainings on conflict, empathy, and personal effectiveness.
RWE Power AG
Design and delivery of virtual Development Centers as part of a development program
Samsung Electronics GmbH
Remote assessment centers for trainee selection in the area of Sales & Marketing with previously conducted test procedure
Schoeller Technocell GmbH & Co. KG
Conception and implementation of development centres for top executives of the company
Schoeller Technocell GmbH & Co. KG
Development of a mission statement
SEG Automotive Germany GmbH
Design and delivery of global training measures as part of the international talent programs, including preparation and support of a blended learning concept to accompany the learning process
SHS – Stahl-Holding-Saar GmbH&Co.KGaA
Preparation and delivery of talent development programs for two target levels
SHS Stahl Holding Saar
Implementation of leadership development programs for experienced managers, including development centers for potential analysis at the start of the program
Design and delivery of agile Development Centers in the context of restructuring parts of SIGNAL IDUNA toward an agile organization
Stabilus GmbH
Design and delivery of Top Management Assessment Centers (TMAC) for the analysis of potential of managers with regard to top management positions
Standard Life Versicherung
Position-specific individual assessments as part of the established selection process for management functions
Standard Life Versicherung
Establishment of a development centre for future senior sales consultants in the field to retain high-performing employees
Star Alliance
Conception and implementation of potential analyses for personnel selection
Preparation and delivery of Development Centers as part of the STEAG talent management system
Support of a development program for internal talents
Storch-Ciret Group
Supporting the introduction of a manager feedback concept and a follow-up process consisting of coaching-oriented feedback discussions andteam workshops for national and international managers
Storch-Ciret Group
Design and delivery of one-to-one training sessions and trainingprograms for employees and managers in German and English
Techniker Krankenkasse
Conception and implementation of selection days for high potentials for inclusion in the internal junior management program
Telefónica Germany GmbH & Co. OHG
Training and deepening of leadership and communication skills for the managerial level of Customer Service & Sale
tesa se
Design and global implementation of competency reviews to analyze individual strengths and development areas of talents
tesa se
Design of an e-learning tool for managers on the topic of recruitment(content and didactic structure)
thyssenkrupp AG
Design and implementation of assessment centres for the selection of trainees
thyssenkrupp AG
Design and implementation of development centres for internal high potentials
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
Conception and implementation of management development workshops and orientation centres
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
Conception and implementation of individual development centres
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
Conception and implementation of workshops on the topic of feedback and feedback culture
thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG
Leadership audits and support for the placement process as part of a large-scale restructuring with 500 participants at board-1, -2 and -3 levels
Conception and implementation of a three-module development program for junior managers (professional and disciplinary leadership) with 3-5 groups per year since 2019.
TÜV SÜD Industrie Service GmbH
Implementation of assessment center programs for the recruitment of managers
UCB Group (ehemals Schwarz Pharma AG)
Design and implementation of a leadership development programme
UCB Group (ehemals Schwarz Pharma AG)
Conception and implementation of trainings to prepare managers for the implementation of the SCHWARZ PHARMA Performance Dialogue
Uniper SE
Design and delivery of Individual Assessment Centers and Individual Development Centers in the context of placement and development processes for managers at Uniper SE
United Internet AG
Implementation of Individual Assessment Centers for specialists and managers
VOSS Automotive GmbH
Accompanying the introduction of leadership guidelines
VOSS Automotive GmbH
Conception and implementation of the multi-module training series on staff leadership within the framework of continuous leadership development
VOSS Gruppe
Design and implementation of the development program GUIDE to support all managers in their day-to-day leadership in a VUCA environment
Westnetz GmbH
“Conception and support of development centers for trainees at Westnetz GmbH, which are conducted both in presence and remotely.”
Westnetz GmbH
Talents: Concept development, execution as well as evaluation of the new format “Führungsraum” (“Leaders’ Cockpit”) to foster identified talents self-reflection with respect to leadership skills.
Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG
Designing and accompanying potential assessments for experts at different levels of their expert career
Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG
Designing and accompanying potential assessments for project managers at various stages of their project management careers.
WWF Deutschland
Delivery of training programs on the topic of “leading international teamswithout a supervisory function“
Zeppelin GmbH
Development and implementation of recruiting days for trainees
Zeppelin GmbH
Development and implementation of Z-Compass, a development center for high-potentials of all business units, both as a face-to-face and remote event
ZEPPELIN Rental GmbH & Co. KG
Conception and moderation of business-oriented potential workshops for planning next development steps with various elements for self-reflection