Leadership Culture & Transformation

Can we shape leadership culture?

What leadership do we need in the future?

How do we strengthen personal responsibility and initiative?

  • We believe that everyone has the right to good leadership. The culture practiced in the company leads just as strongly as the individual behavior of the individual leaders. For this reason, the culture, the systems, and the people must be viewed and developed holistically in change processes. “Best practices” can be an inspiration, but the truly appropriate answers are always specific to the company.
  • Change processes need a vision that wins people over emotionally and convinces them rationally. The first step of change is a joint analysis – systemic, well-founded, and at the same time focused on the essential aspects. The right attitude and a systematic approach generate sustainable analysis results.
  • Changes in leadership culture and structure are complex and only succeed when implemented gradually, in an agile and iterative way. This means that we measure the success after each intervention, make adjustments together, and finally define the most effective next steps with you. We get the people in your company on board and in the best case scenario, they shape the change themselves.
  • We believe that everyone has the right to good leadership. The culture practiced in the company leads just as strongly as the individual behavior of the individual leaders. For this reason, the culture, the systems, and the people must be viewed and developed holistically in change processes. “Best practices” can be an inspiration, but the truly appropriate answers are always specific to the company.
  • Change processes need a vision that wins people over emotionally and convinces them rationally. The first step of change is a joint analysis – systemic, well-founded, and at the same time focused on the essential aspects. The right attitude and a systematic approach generate sustainable analysis results.
  • Changes in leadership culture and structure are complex and only succeed when implemented gradually, in an agile and iterative way. This means that we measure the success after each intervention, make adjustments together, and finally define the most effective next steps with you. We get the people in your company on board and in the best case scenario, they shape the change themselves.
  • Through effective, robust processes and tools, we help you to develop and implement new solutions. In this way, you take the next big step toward success.
  • Profil M’s knowledge of effective processes and innovative methods forms the basis. As a team, we offer you a combination of consultants with different life experiences, so that we can think openly with you and advise you in a future-oriented way.
  • When you embark on this journey with us, you can be confident that we will empower you and your employees and open up new horizons and opportunities.
  • Together with you, we will design changes that will sustainably empower your organization to take its own, best path to success.
  • We help you create an authentic leadership culture for yourself as an organization and become the best company you can be.
Leadership Culture & Transformation

Leadership culture

We help you understand
and authentically develop
your leadership culture.

Team development

Only together as a team can complex problems be solved and major challenges be creatively overcome.

Purpose – Leitbilder & Wertemodelle

Purpose – guiding principles & value models

We support you in the
further development of
your leadership culture.

Restructuring and realignment

Let leaders make
new structures successful.

Talent management

We support you with expertise and a great deal of intuition – so that your talents make a significant contribution to the success of your company.

Raumedic AG
Consulting and facilitation for a cross-company organizational development process incl. complementary leadership development measures
Gebrüder Jaeger GmbH
Development of a personnel development concept
MÜNCHENER VEREIN Versicherungsgruppe
Design and implementation of 360° feedback for sales managers
Jost World GmbH
Design and delivery of management trainings on the topics of interviewtechniques, conflict management, how to chair and facilitate effectivemeetings and employee leadership
DSW21 – Dortmunder Stadtwerke AG
Preparation and delivery of 360° feedback processes
Supporting the design and delivery of a manager feedback concept and a follow-up process consisting of coachings and team workshops
GEPA mbH – The Fair Trade Company
Conception and implementation of a management conference
KNIPEX-Werk C. Gustav Putsch KG
Design of a competency model