We promise maximum accelerated development for our coachees – in an intensive, effective, and efficient process.

An essential aspect of the coaching process is the ability to clearly define and understand problems before solutions can be addressed. As experts in leadership assessment, we place great emphasis on thorough diagnostics, as they form the basis for successful coaching interventions. With our extensive experience and deep expertise, we identify key aspects with high precision that can help our coachees achieve even greater success.

  • Our coaches have in-depth diagnostic expertise in the area of leadership assessment.
  • “A problem is half solved when it is clearly formulated.” Good diagnostics are the prerequisite for an effective coaching process.
  • This enables us to identify with great precision and speed the key aspects that will help the coachee to achieve (even) greater success.
  • As a company with over 12,000 consulting days in the area of developing leadership per year, addressing strengths and development areas in a clear yet empathic manner is part of the day-to-day work of each of our consultants.
  • We get to the heart of the topics – in a joint process and on an equal footing.
  • Our coaches are leadership development experts – we actively share knowledge, models, and methods for the maximum development success of our coachees.
  • Of course, each of our coaches has at least a well-founded coaching qualification as well as additional, complementary qualifications (e.g., change management, transactional analysis, NLP, etc.).

Does leadership make you lonely?

  • Not with us. Our coaches quickly build a trusting and empathic relationship with the coachee.
  • Topics can be discussed openly, directly, and in a solution-oriented manner.


  • Thanks to their expertise, our coaches can examine challenges at an individual, interactional, and organizational level.
  • They provide optimal guidance, especially in complex and multifaceted situations.

Efficiency & effectiveness

  • Our time together is precious. We ensure a goal-oriented, structured, and efficient process.
  • Honest feedback focuses on the joint identification of key issues and the targeted implementation of specific solutions.

Preparation for an advanced leadership role

Our coach supports the leader in a structured process – from the personal assessment of skills to taking on/building a new team and supporting the strategic direction of the area of responsibility.

Skills assessment including psychometrics

Ready for the next challenge? Our coach works with the (potential) leader to assess their personal profile with regard to new challenges. We also use established psychometric methods such as the Hogan Assessments or the LeadIM to support reflection and decision-making processes.

Successful handling of challenges

Sometimes leaders have to leave their comfort zone with limited preparation and need optimal support. Our coaches provide effective support in preparing for success-critical interactions with relevant stakeholders, e.g., using simulations and feedback to strengthen the coachee’s charismatic presence, refine key messages, and increase their ability to convince others.

Successful leadership of teams and personalities

With in-depth diagnostic expertise and psychological knowledge, particularly from personality and motivational psychology, our coach provides support in conflict management and in successfully winning people over to the leader’s overarching goals. Here too, the specific simulation of situations, including reflection and feedback, can alleviate fears and strengthen competencies.

Supporting challenging change processes

Leading through change is demanding and exhausting. Our coach supports the leader in shaping the change process in a way that promises success, while managing their own resources skillfully and sustainably.

Use cases – when your leaders benefit from our coaching

Our approach

Our promise is an intensive, effective, and efficient coaching process.

You can expect our coaches to continuously and impartially assess the extent to which the process is creating added value – and, if necessary, to end the process earlier if the goals have already been achieved or no further increase in added value is to be expected.

First contact with Profil M

  • The coachee, their line manager, or HR representative schedules a short phone call with Profil M in which the goals are roughly defined
  • Profil M appoints a suitable coach who meets the resulting requirements

In an initial meeting

  • the coach and coachee get to know each other and discuss the exact objectives
  • schedule the sessions (remote or on-site if close by)

Intensive work on the topics (usually 4 sessions)

  • 90 minutes each
  • The coachee works on practical tasks between appointments
  • Telephone call or online meeting in between if there is an acute need

On request with the line manager/HR

  • Review achievement of targets
  • Record next steps/
    continued transfer into practice
  • If necessary, definition of support from the line manager

Alexander Fritz, Managing Director

Discover the coaching services offered by Profil M and send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!

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