Leadership culture and leadership guidelines

As a consultancy with a focus on leadership development, Profil M supports you during the development of your leadership culture – both in terms of concepts and practical implementation. We know that culture cannot be changed overnight. With expertise and a feel for change processes, we make sure that a new awareness for “good” leadership develops step by step. Once these values and demands have been accepted and internalized, they will later be reflected in leadership behavior.

In turbulent times, employees and managers need a compass to guide them to work independently and take responsibility. Mission statements can help give you the right orientation with regard to desired values and behavior. We help you define the right mission statement for your organization – it should be close enough to your future ideal to bring about change yet sufficiently in line with current reality for it to be accepted. The prerequisite for acceptance of a mission statement is involvement and communication on the part of the managers, both locally and internationally.

We can support you in this regard as experienced facilitators and trainers. The decisive factor for success when it comes to the effectiveness of mission statements in management behavior is consistency of application and implementation in the form of practical tools of management and leadership development. As consultants with comprehensive expertise in the field of leadership, management we can convert the contents of your mission statement into a customized competency model, performance management system or assessment and feedback tools.

Only then can mission statements be adopted on a continuous basis by employees and managers in the workplace and become internalised guidelines for action.

Raumedic AG
Consulting and facilitation for a cross-company organizational development process incl. complementary leadership development measures
Krones AG
Development Center to support leaders in the production environment implementing the new corporate strategy
Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
Design and delivery of a qualification program for team leaders anddepartment managers
KNIPEX-Werk C. Gustav Putsch KG
Development and delivery of training programs and video nuggets for allmanagers in line with the Knipex competence model
BBT Gruppe – Barmherzige Brüder Trier e. V.
Provision of consultancy services concerning the further development ofthe competence model
METRO Cash & Carry Deutschland GmbH
Support of two change processes in the form of analyses of the “unwritten rules” guiding action in the company
BBT Gruppe – Barmherzige Brüder Trier e. V.
Design and delivery of leadership feedback from various perspectivesand facilitation of feedback workshops involving different managementlevels
Gebrüder Jaeger GmbH
Development of a personnel development concept