Profil M individual assessments focus on the assessment of competence and potential for a specific position, whether the candidate is an internal manager or an external applicant. What sets us apart in terms of quality is our accurate analysis of the requirements for the position, the situation and the general conditions that bring about the unique challenges for that position. This analysis represents the starting point for our specific recommendations for selection decisions. Managers find themselves facing a growing number of diverse challenges. They are required to take action in increasingly complex structures with ever-shorter cycles of change and to give employees guidance during change processes – even across distances in international situations. Through our wide range of tasks and methods, we cover the full range of requirements to guarantee the most accurate recommendations. Besides extensive interviews, we also organize simulations of social or analytical/conceptual challenges that are typical of the target position, often in conjunction with online questionnaires.

Profil M can provide you with a customized concept for company-specific individual assessment modules that you can use again and again, or alternatively, you can select our tried and tested Profil M modules. In either case, we will always customize the tasks and assessment tools for your unique goals, so that you can be sure that the individual assessments are not just standard products but are tailor-made for your organization. Besides our proven methods and tools, we rely on our consultants’ expertise in the area of leadership development to provide you with the most accurate assessments of your managers’ competence and potential. We put this know-how into practice to help you make better HR decisions for any level of management.

Fresenius AG
Design and delivery of individual assessment centers for the selection of managerial staff
Mäurer & Wirtz
Design and implementation of development centers for the nomination of senior experts as well as for the selection for management positions on different levels
Krones AG
Development and implementation of individual assessments for the appointment of project managers of different levels and areas in accordance with the Krones project career path
Agravis Raiffeisen AG
Design and delivery of management audits and individual assessments for executives
Cyberport GmbH
Preparation and delivery of Individual Assessment Centers for the selection and development of managers at Cyberport GmbH
KNIPEX-Werk C. Gustav Putsch KG
Conception and implementation of individual assessment centres for filling demanding management positions
Ernst Dello GmbH & Co.KG
Conducting individual assessment centers to fill management positions and individual development centers as part of the development planning for young potentials
Helaba Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen
Conception and implementation of individual assessment centres in the selection of executives