Home Events Ditch the “old-school” approach – Development Centers reinvented
Weg mit “Old School” - Development-Center neu gedacht

Ditch the “old-school” approach – Development Centers reinvented

(Online-Seminar in engl. Sprache)

Development Centers are firmly established talent management tools in a lot of companies. But many also no longer seem to regard the term “observers” to be in keeping with the times, and several other aspects can also be challenged critically: Doesn’t an elaborate nomination tend to lead to consumerism?

Doesn’t the meticulously prepared feedback tend to stifle self-responsibility? Does the “observation process” with its perceived verticality fit in with partnership-based leadership on an equal footing? Is the perception of a DC as a test and trial really a good energizer for self-development and positive learning spirit?

In other words, are Development Centers from yesterday’s toolbox?
You might think so – but there is another way. Would you like to challenge some of the cherished and established truths of DC logic with us? Do you want to see examples of how to radically rethink Development Centers?

Then please register for our online seminar.

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26 Feb 2021


15:30 - 16:30




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